
Halcyon Mancuso在她的书房里

你好! 我是宁静的, the founder and executive director of the Mancuso 人文学科 Workforce Preparation Center. 谢谢你过来!

受欢迎的, 学生及家庭!

Do you have concerns about how your college experience—and particularly your choice of a major—will affect your future?

Researchers have documented that after the Great Recession of 2007–2009, many students flocked to majors that they (or their parents) thought would guarantee a job immediately upon graduation and would always lead them to that next job as they built their careers…but I’m here to tell you that you can pursue anything you’re passionate about and still achieve your career goals. If you think that only certain majors make “career-proofing” possible, you might be surprised to learn that’s not true.

雇主 tell us that there is a comprehensive set of 基本技能和观点 这将永远是一种需求, no matter how the job/career landscape changes in the 21st 世纪. Those skills and perspectives are what a humanities degree is all about, and we intentionally teach those skills and perspectives in our FSU人文系

So, the Mancuso 人文学科 Workforce Preparation Center is for you! We'll support both your course of study and your career preparation as we help you:

  • 获得这些基本技能和观点.
  • Identify the humanities academic experiences and assignments where you’re learning such skills.
  • Speak to 雇主 about the skills you've developed at FSU and write about them in job application materials.


受欢迎的, 教员!

The Mancuso 人文学科 Workforce Preparation Center can help you learn more about what your students need from your classes to translate their learning into employment opportunities. We’re also able to connect you with our network of regional 雇主, whom you can work with to create internship programs for your FSU departmental needs. We’re here to help you bring into focus what you already do in your classroom to support FSU humanities students as they prepare for their careers.  

受欢迎的, 雇主!

The MHWPC can provide a pipeline of well-prepared, newly graduated humanities students who are immediately ready to join your team as productive professionals. We can help you foster the necessary relationships with our professors and students to ensure that when you come to FSU人文系, you will find stellar interns and job candidates.

谢谢你! for your interest in the Mancuso 人文学科 Workforce Preparation Center! 我们期待与您合作. 请 十大网赌信誉平台 if you have any questions or would like to learn more about how the Center can support you!