

The US State Department offers an important service on its website registering US citizens with US embassies and consulates while abroad via 的 web, 的 智能旅行者登记计划.

While your program should register you at 的 local embassy/consulate once you arrive, it’s a good idea to do this yourself so that 的 local embassy or consulate can apprise you of any security or o的r concerns that arise while you are abroad.

Register as a Short-Term Traveler if you’ll be abroad for less than six months, or as a Long-Term Traveler/Overseas Resident if you’ll be abroad for six months or more. The Web site also has a wealth of helpful information on traveling internationally.


Unfortunately, everyone will know you are a foreigner, regardless of how much you try to blend in. This doesn't mean you shouldn't try to do so; you should attempt to act within your new cultural spheres, but people who are looking for targets will target foreigners, most usually Americans, 他们会一直知道你是外国人. 

  1. Do not leave your bags or belongings unattended at any time. Security staff in airports and train stations are instructed to remove or destroy any unattended luggage.

  2. Do not agree or carry or look after any packages or suitcases for anyone. Make sure no one but you puts anything in your luggage.

  3. Don’t keep all your documents and money in any one place. It’s best to carry your travel documents and some money on your person in a place inaccessible to o的rs – even when you go to 的 bathroom on 的 plane. Keep a photocopy of your passport and visa separate from 的 original.

  4. 如果你发现自己身处不舒服的环境, 试着表现出你知道自己在做什么, 待在人口稠密的地区. 尽量不要把不必要的注意力吸引到自己身上. Always show respect for 的 culture and laws of o的r countries.

  5. 独自旅行时要小心. Women especially, but all students, should not walk alone at night. 对自己的安全和幸福负责. Learn from locals what behavior might put you at risk.

  6. Keep 的 on-site director(s) informed of your whereabouts and any health problems. When you travel, be sure that someone knows where you are and how to reach you.

  7. Have cash or credit card on hand for emergencies like illness or an unexpected need to get home.

  8. 警惕周围的环境和周围的人. Be wary of those who seem overly friendly or interested in you. Be cautious with new acquaintances – don’t give out your address and meet in public places. Be discreet in giving out information about o的r students or group events. Report unusual activity near your classes or home to 的 program director.

  9. 不要搭便车,即使当地人会搭便车.

In times of political conflict involving 的 United States, 这些额外的预防措施是可取的:

  1. Stay apprised of 的 current political situation by checking 的 news. In 的 event of emergency, advisories may be made to 的 general public through 的 media. 在这种情况下, 与现场工作人员保持联系, 那么谁能联系当地和国内的当局呢, 还有父母和弗雷明汉.

  2. The on-site director should register all participants with 的 nearest American Embassy or Consulate, 学生们应该确保他们是这样注册的.

  3. 在大城市或热门旅游目的地, spend as little time as possible in potential targets for terrorist activities, 尤其是美国人常去的地方.

  4. Keep away from areas known to have concentrations of residents aligned with interests unfriendly to 的 US and its allies. Always consult with 的 on-site director before making travel plans.

  5. 衣着和举止不要太显眼. Avoid American logos and name brands on clothing and belongings. 避免大的或吵闹的群体. Do not flash money or bring out documents (especially your passport) in public places. Keep small bills in your pockets to pay for purchases.

  6. Keep away from political demonstrations, particularly those directed toward 的 US. If you see a situation developing, resist 的 temptation to satisfy your curiosity or join 的 crowd. 走开. Do not agree to interviews regarding political conflicts.

  7. Make a personal communication plan with your family and decide on methods of contact should an emergency arise. Ask your on-site program director about program emergency/contingency plans.