
南希年代. 尼米

南希年代. 尼米’s commitment to 教育al and 社会公平 is evidenced throughout her work with universities and schools across the country, 在她的奖学金中, 在她的整个职业生涯中为社区服务.

She received her Bachelor’s Degree in 英语 Literature from the University of Rochester in 1984 and began teaching middle school 英语 and 历史 in Horseheads, 纽约. She received a Master’s Degree in 教育 from Elmira College in 1987, writing an honors thesis on the necessity of specialized 教育 for teachers of adolescents, as well as two other important papers: one on the development of and necessity for sexuality 教育 for all educators and the second on the absence of discussion of the My Lai Massacre in high school history textbooks.

Dr. 尼米于1989年当选为马头公立学校董事会成员, 连续担任三届(九年)的角色, the last of which she was elected to by the widest margin in 纽约 State history. Her tenure on the Board included positions as Curriculum Committee Chair and Vice President, as well as representing the Southern Tier of NY State as Legislative Liaison to the 纽约 State Department of 教育, 从1995年到1997年.

她对政治问题的兴趣, 社会, 和权力 in public 教育 led her to doctoral study at the University of Rochester’s Warner School of 教育. 学生时代, 她是教育学的兼职教授, 为学校创建了几个新班级. Her doctoral dissertation was a year-long ethnographic study of a middle school, 探索性别的交叉点, 教育, 和权力, which set the stage for her career-long exploration of those dimensions.

Dr. 尼米 spent seven years as an Assistant and Associate Professor of 教育 at Nazareth College (Rochester, NY), followed by six years as Professor and Chair of the 教育 Department at the University of New Haven. 在纽黑文, she and her colleagues secured the Department’s first national accreditation, created and launched a Sixth Year Diploma in Instructional Technologies and Digital Media Literacy, 并进行了课程改革. They initiated the inclusion of part-time faculty into the fabric of the department, including the establishment of faculty awards for part-time teaching, development of a program of annual assessment of all part-time faculty, 重塑兼职教师的教学和课程期望.

In 2016, 尼米 was named the inaugural Director of 教师 Teaching Initiatives at Yale University’s Poorvu Center for Teaching and Learning. 在那里, she and her colleagues created the university’s first programs of faculty development, 所有教员都可以参加. in Yale College, the graduate school, and many of the professional schools. 她和该中心的执行主任. Jenny Frederick co-led the university’s first New 教师 Teaching Academy. 尼米 created and implemented communication strategies for increasing faculty exposure to research on teaching and learning, and designed many discipline-specific faculty development programs for infusing DEI work in their pedagogy.

As Provost and Vice President for 学术事务 at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (2019-2022), 尼米 led many initiatives in concert with her faculty and administrative colleagues. A singular project was the establishment of the 男人 of Color in 教育 program, one of the few in the State of Maryland designed for BIPOC male high school students, 大学的学生, 以及对教学感兴趣的转行人士. She and her colleagues also created an Office of Sponsored Research and hired UMES’s first Director of Research. 在涅米的领导下, the university established an undergraduate STEM degree program as part of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute’s (HHMI) Driving Change Initiative. 仅有的六个之一
国家机构, 也是唯一获得此奖项的HBCU, UMES is now at the forefront of contributing to lasting culture change on research university campuses so that undergraduate students from all backgrounds, 尤其是那些历史上被排斥的群体, will excel in STEM and graduate from college to become leaders in STEM.

尼米’s inquiry and scholarship continues to center on the intersections of gender, 社会公平, 高等教育. 她发表了大量关于学校社会公平的文章. 她的书, 差异程度:女性, 男人, 和高等教育的价值(劳特利奇), 2017年)探讨了美国政府的这一主张.S. women’s dominance in college degree completion has resulted in women having cultural and socio-economic advantages over men. She and co-author Marcus Weaver-Hightower published the Wiley Handbook of Gender Equity in Higher 教育 in December 2020. 2022年, she and two colleagues (Kathy Lund Dean and Charles Fornaciari) co-authored Course Design and Assessment (Elgar). She and her colleagues Marie-Pierre Moreau and Penny Jane Burke currently edit the Bloomsbury Gender and 教育: Intersectional and international perspectives series. Her journal publications cover an array of 教育al inquiries including the portrayal of teachers in children’s fiction, 解决小学课程中的性取向问题, 以及对抗临床教育工作者的隐形性.

Dr. 尼米 has been active in leadership of professional and community organizations throughout her career, including Research on Women in 教育 (American 教育 Research Association), 埃奇顿公园保护协会(纽黑文, CT), 纽敦历史学会(索尔兹伯里), MD), 图书馆之友(马头), NY). 她目前担任三县联合之路的董事会成员, 并期待与更多的非营利组织合作, 企业, 以及弗雷明汉的立法伙伴, MetroWest, 和新英格兰地区.

南希·尼米嫁给了博士. 迈克尔•莫里斯, 纽黑文大学心理学名誉教授, 也是教育博客的作者, 大学生活. 她是三个孩子的母亲,非常自豪, 安德鲁·佩克姆(海德公园), MA), 纳撒尼尔·佩克姆(费城, PA), 安娜·佩克姆(奥克兰), CA), 也是迈尔斯·佩克姆的祖母.
