Centers & Institutes

Centers for Early Childhood Education

十大网赌信誉平台的早期儿童教育中心为2岁零9个月至5岁的儿童提供高质量的早期儿童教育和护理. The centers are inclusive, welcoming children from different backgrounds and abilities in a learning community valuing the uniqueness of each child. The child-centered programs emphasize free play, socialization, creative expression, and exploration in a literacy-rich environment to facilitate the development of each child as a unique and competent person.

Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching, Scholarship and Service

The Center for Excellence in Learning, Teaching, Scholarship, and Service supports faculty members and librarians during all phases of their careers. Established in 2008, CELTSS is run by faculty for the benefit of their colleagues and the campus community. The Center awards monetary grants, and facilitates workshops, lectures, reading groups, and special events. Newly hired faculty members participate in mentoring programs. A day is set aside in January for faculty to lead sessions on pedagogical issues. “五月之日”将展示他们的学术和创意项目,并邀请一位国际知名的演讲者发表主题演讲. The Center also houses a library of books on pedagogy, along with a selection of books and articles written by faculty members.

Center for Inclusive Excellence

十大网赌信誉平台的包容性卓越中心是一个勇敢的空间,致力于创造和支持一个反映集体承诺促进公平的环境, advocating social justice and making excellence inclusive. As a guiding principle, Inclusive Excellence is meant to include and engage the rich diversity of students, staff, faculty, administrators, alumni and community constituents in authentic learning which often requires embracing the brave qualities of challenge, risk and difficulty. Thus, we recognize this work to be a journey of discovery and transformation for every aspect and level of the University.

Chris Walsh Center for Educators and Families of MetroWest

该中心成立于2020年,旨在为家庭和教育工作者提供有关残疾学生持续教育支持的信息, students who are gifted, and students with unmet needs. The center offers support, workshops and other programming for families, educators, student support professionals, administrators, and advocates in the MetroWest area. The center will also engage in scholarly research, educator preparation, and professional development. The center is sponsored by the Education Department at Framingham State University.

Christa Corrigan McAuliffe Center for Integrated Science Learning

The Christa McAuliffe Center is a vibrant educational facility established in 1986 to honor the legacy of the first teacher in space, FSU alumna Christa McAuliffe ‘70. Today, 该中心是十大网赌信誉平台非正式STEM教育的中心,为马萨诸塞州及其他地区的学生和教育工作者提供服务. Since 1994, the Center has been serving between 10,000 and 12,000 K-16 students every year.

The Center hosts the only Challenger Learning Center (CLC) in Massachusetts, a digital planetarium, and an exhibit hall. 国家挑战者中心及其全球挑战者学习中心网络使用以太空为主题的模拟学习和角色扮演策略,帮助学生将课堂学习带入生活,培养未来成功所需的技能, such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, and teamwork. 

In 2023, 麦考利夫中心进行了重大翻新,旨在将该中心建立为马萨诸塞州独特的STEM中心,并继续克里斯塔麦考利夫的遗产.

In alignment with NASA’s Strategy for STEM Engagement, 该中心致力于吸引不同群体的学生,并通过学习与NASA空间和地球科学任务相关的经验,激发他们对STEM的兴趣.

Civic Engagement and Service Learning Center

公民参与和服务学习中心的使命是在十大网赌信誉平台加强学生的学习,培养公民责任的文化.  该中心将促进学术导向和课外项目的发展,并为FSU教师提供资源支持, students, and staff engagement in mutually beneficial partnerships with our local, national, and international community partners to address significant public issues for underrepresented and underserved populations.

Danforth Art Museum and Art School at Framingham State University

丹佛斯是一个公共艺术博物馆和社区艺术学校,成立于1975年,由一群社区成员致力于通过展览将艺术带到弗雷明汉, museum programs, and studio art classes. In 2018, the Danforth merged with Framingham State University. The Museum presents exciting exhibitions featuring both historic and contemporary works from the permanent collection, as well as temporary exhibitions with a focus on contemporary, regional artists. The Museum’s growing permanent collection includes 3,500 objects spanning the history of American Art.

The Art School offers art classes and workshops for adults and children, designed to support learning at all levels in a variety of fine art media. Our diverse and dedicated faculty pool allows students to study painting, drawing and other media with instructors from many backgrounds and perspectives.

The Danforth at Framingham State University is committed to serving as a valuable resource to the community and region. We are located in the Jonathan Maynard Building on Framingham’s historic Centre Common, a short walk from the University’s main campus.

Entrepreneur Innovation Center

Located in the Maynard Building on Vernon Street, 该中心的目标是通过提供资源来帮助创业,提供一个支持和培养一批企业家创新思想的环境, such as internet access, conference room scheduling, and FSU faculty expertise. If you have an idea that you are actively working on and are an FSU student\alumni or resident of the central MetroWest region, the center is looking for you! Applications for membership to the center and the paid student internship opportunity are available on the center’s website.

Mancuso Humanities Workforce Preparation Center

曼库索人文劳动力准备中心(MHWPC)的使命是1)在FSU推广人文学科,以提高对21世纪人文教育价值的认识, 2) to increase enrollment in these majors and minors, and 3) to ensure that FSU humanities majors are prepared for rewarding employment upon graduation.

MHWPC为教师提供了与地区企业建立关系的资助机会,并启动了有意义的教师发展,进一步推动了中心的使命. MHWPC还为人文学科学生提供实习津贴,并为学生在其特定的人文学科部门(艺术和文化)内的领导机会提供资金 & Music, Communication Arts, English, History, and World Languages.)

For prospective students interested in majoring in one of FSU's humanities disciplines, there are scholarships available that cover 4 years of your tuition, fees, room & board. Please see the Mancuso Scholarships Program.

MetroWest College Planning Collaborative

MetroWest College Planning Collaborative (CPC)是2014年12月由十大网赌信誉平台和马萨诸塞湾社区学院通过高等教育部愿景项目成立的区域性联合大学入学倡议. The mission of the CPC is to provide the necessary outreach, training, 为该地区的青年和非传统成人学习者提供指导和建议,指导他们走上理想的高等教育之路. The CPC helps the community explore opportunities to develop specific skills training through certificates, associate's degree, Mass. Transfer, or completion of a four year degree. The CPC welcomes and serves all members of the community and supports specific outreach focus for underrepresented, low-income, first generation, minority students and their families. 

Location: The 1812 House at 13 Salem End Road, Framingham, MA 01701

Drop in Open Advising Hours: Tuesdays-Fridays 3-7:30pm Saturdays 10:00-2:00pm
Book Appointment:

John C. Stalker Institute for Food and Nutrition

The John C. 十大网赌信誉平台(FSU)食品与营养研究所(JSI)成立于1988年,是FSU和马萨诸塞州中小学教育系(DESE)的合作伙伴关系。. JSI is the premier provider of professional development and resources for Massachusetts school professionals, including school nutrition directors, managers, and staff; teachers of health, family and consumer sciences, physical education and biology; child care providers; school nurses; and other professionals working to improve the nutritional health of Massachusetts' school children. Programming includes Workshops to Go, regional conferences and events, certificate and leadership programs, and online courses. The Institute is funded annually by the Office for Food and Nutrition Programs at DESE.

MetroWest Economic Research Center (MERC)

The MetroWest Economic Research Center (MERC) at Framingham State University, established in 1991, collects and analyzes data related to economic conditions in the MetroWest, South Shore and Tri-Center Cohesive Commercial Statistical Areas (CCSA). MERC provides information and commentary on economic issues of vital interest to these regions. 经济和工商管理系的教师和实习生制作MERC报告和出版物,包括获奖的经济概况和劳动力研究. MERC analysis has proven critical for regional and town planning as well as retention and recruitment of businesses.

MetroWest STEM Education Network

The MetroWest STEM Education Network (MSEN) is dedicated to promoting quality education and career pathways in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in the MetroWest region of Massachusetts.

Based at Framingham State University, MSEN brings together K-12 schools, institutions of higher education, business and industry, non-government advocacy groups, 以及各种致力于在共享网络成员资源的基础上发展伙伴关系和合作的非营利组织, expertise, and common goals.

MSEN的举措是由于迫切需要将该州主要STEM行业的人才获取需求与K-16机构培养当地学生的能力联系起来, especially those financially disadvantaged and from underrepresented populations, for college and career pathways in STEM.

MSEN合作伙伴的目标是将我们的组织从一组动态的STEM学习提供者转变为通常在并行轨道上运行的组织, to an actual system of partners that, through a web of interaction and collaborations, 将他们在STEM领域的努力整合起来,以实现我们的共同愿景:通过持续的努力,让年轻人在K-12和大学教育项目中获得高质量的STEM课程.